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Disability Services and Support


Disclosing a Disability

Effective July 2019
《网赌论坛有哪些》和《网赌论坛有哪些》第504条禁止基于残疾的歧视,并要求大学为那些要求提供便利的合格残疾人提供合理的便利. A reasonable academic accommodation is an auxiliary aid, 允许个人获得平等的机会并有平等的机会参加大学课程的修改或调整, services, activities and use of the facilities. 大学没有义务提供住宿,施加不适当的负担,或要求在课程或改变任何基本元素或程序的功能的根本改变. 要求合理住宿的学生必须及时在各自学校的访问协调员处注册. 学生还需要提供残疾证明文件,1)符合网赌论坛有哪些关于残疾证明文件的既定指导方针, 2)证明或记录他们的残疾如何在功能上影响他们参与课程, programs, jobs, activities and/or the use of facilities at the University.

Procedure for Requesting Academic Accommodations

  1. The student completes an online application to request accommodations.

  2. Once the application is submitted, 残疾资源办公室(“ODR”)与学生联系,安排与他或她的入学面试 respective access coordinator.

  3. 访问协调员和学生讨论学生的残疾及其对学习的影响. 学生和访问协调员讨论学生要求的合理住宿.

  4. All students are required to submit documentation of their disability pursuant to University of Rochester documentation guidelines as part of the intake process. The process of determining reasonable accommodations is collaborative among the student, the access coordinator, the qualified professional with knowledge of the student's disability, and the course instructor or program director, if necessary.

  5. If accommodations are granted, 住宿通知信将发给被要求住宿的课程的教师.

  6. 学生有责任在每学期提出住宿要求.

  7. Students may use the formal or informal process for dispute resolution, if they dispute the decision of the ODR.

Resolving a Dispute


Informal Process

  1. In instances where there is a dispute, the student, instructor, University administrative staff, and/or the access coordinator will make every effort to resolve the disagreement.

  2. If a resolution cannot be reached, the student, instructor, or University administrative staff may seek informal resolution by submitting a Request for Review 向罗彻斯特大学负责残疾合规的副教务长提交了有争议的决定. 残疾合规副教务长将尝试解决争议.

  3. 如果争议无法解决,残疾合规助理副教务长将在收到审查请求后的七(7)个工作日内召集资格评估委员会.

  4. 委员会将审查审查请求和大学人员提供的任何其他相关信息,以便在收到审查请求之日起十(10)个工作日内作出决定.

  5. If the individual is not satisfied with the decision of the Committee, a formal grievance must be filed under the Section 504/ADA - Grievance Procedure.

  6. While a Request for Review is under consideration, 指导员将根据访问协调员的指示提供合理的住宿.

    Eligibility Assessment Committee

    资格评估委员会由残疾合规助理副教务长任命. This committee serves as a resource for faculty, academic administrators and University students, on a case-by-case basis, in resolving disagreements that arise concerning requests for academic accommodations. 无障碍协调员将提供关于住宿的确定和实施的一般信息. 可以要求提供住宿要求的课程的院长或指定的部门代表向委员会提供信息.

Formal Process – Section 504/ADA Grievance Procedure

大学对住宿决定提出质疑的正式申诉程序是 Policy 106 - Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment. 大学也强烈鼓励个人尝试以非正式方式解决问题, though the informal process need not be pursued prior to filing a formal grievance.

Confidentiality and Release of Information

  1. 罗彻斯特大学认识到,学生残疾记录包含机密信息,并将被视为如下所述. 学生的残疾文件保存在一个机密文件中,与学校的官方学术文件分开. Disability-related records, however, 根据《网赌论坛有哪些》(FERPA),一般都是“教育记录”。. Accordingly, 与残疾有关的信息只会透露给那些需要知道这些信息的大学员工,作为住宿过程的一部分,或在学校允许的情况下 University’s student records policy and applicable law.

  2. 学生可以通过向访问协调员提交书面请求来请求访问他们的残疾文件. Access will be granted as provided in the student records policy.

University of Rochester Rights and Responsibilities

The University of Rochester has the right to:

  • 请求并接收当前文件,以确定残疾的存在,并证明所要求的便利是合理的.

  • Suggest appropriate and reasonable accommodations, 根据提交给访问协调员的文件进行学术调整或辅助辅助和服务.

  • Establish essential requirements and standards for courses, programs, services or activities at the University of Rochester.

  • 提供与具体要求同等有效的调整或辅助帮助和服务.

  • Deny an accommodation, adjustment or auxiliary aid that fundamentally alters a course, program or activity, or poses an undue burden or direct threat to health or safety

The University of Rochester has the responsibility to:

  • 无偏见地审查提交的文件,并在必要时寻求适当的相关专业知识.

  • Confer with the student and other relevant parties when determining accommodations, academic adjustments or auxiliary aids and services.

  • Provide information in accessible formats upon request.

  • Respond to requests in a timely basis.

  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality of documentation and information

Your Rights and Responsibilities

Students with disabilities at the University of Rochester have the right to:

  • An equal opportunity to access the courses, programs, services and activities at the University of Rochester.

  • Request reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments or auxiliary aids and services.

  • Appropriate confidentiality of information regarding their disability, except as disclosures are required or permitted by law.


  • Maintain institutional standards for academic performance and conduct.

  • Follow published procedures for requesting accommodations, academic adjustments or auxiliary aids and services.

  • 提供残疾的适当文件,包括残疾的功能限制及其对课程获取和参与的影响, programs, services and activities at the University of Rochester.

  • Request academic accommodations for each term the student is registered.

Contact Us

Office of Disability Resources 
Student Disability Services
Jen Prosceo, Director
Taylor Hall


Lynnett Van Slyke
University Ombuds and Associate Vice Provost of Disability Compliance
36 Wallis Hall