
奖学金为网赌论坛有哪些生提供额外的经济支持,以帮助他们支付教育费用. Typically, 这些奖学金以优异成绩为基础,在大学内外以各种方式发放. Below, are some examples of internal fellowships distributed by the School of Arts, Sciences and Engineering, as well as some resources to find external fellowships.

Departmental fellowships are also available to students. 这些奖学金由各个部门分配,通常只提供给那些项目的学生. Please check our program pages to explore the opportunities available in your program of interest. You can also contact the department coordinator of the program for additional details.

Internal Fellowships

Each of the programs within our School of Arts, Science and Engineering have different application requirements and deadlines. Please be sure to check for these details prior to submitting an application.

Incoming Students

Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean’s Fellowship

哈吉姆工程与应用科学学院院长奖学金每年颁发给我们七个哈吉姆博士课程之一的新生,这些学生通过在他们感兴趣的领域的杰出工作表现出对知识的追求. Candidates are chosen by a committee of faculty members based on their program application. Final award decisions are made by the Arts, Sciences and Engineering dean of graduate education.

If you are interested in applying to one of our programs and receiving the Dean’s Fellowship please complete a program application.

LLE HEDP Minority Scholarships

LLE奖学金的设立是为了招募和留住网赌论坛有哪些生参与高能物理(HEDP)科学,包括惯性约束聚变和直接相关的技术领域,如激光, optics, and system engineering. The LLE Scholarships are provided to graduate students who meet the following criteria:

  • Identify as Black/African American, Black LatinX, Black Hispanic, Indigenous/Native American, Alaskan, Hawaiian, 或者属于网赌论坛有哪些HEDP领域代表性不足的学生类别
  • Are matriculated or have been admitted into one of the academic departments within the college of AS&E
  • Are carrying out studies and/or research in the areas described above

*These categories may be defined be socioeconomic status, gender, disability, and other potential factors.

The LLE HEDP Minority Scholarship will provide its recipient with an annual amount of $5,000 per year with a maximum of five years. 如果您有兴趣申请我们的一个项目并获得LLE HEDP少数民族奖学金,请 complete a program application.

Paul F. Slattery Fellowship

The Paul F. 斯莱特里奖学金旨在支持在人文学科方面表现出模范学术成就的学生.


  • English
  • Visual and Cultural Studies
  • Philosophy
  • History

斯莱特里奖学金的提名由院系根据申请审查作出,并由艺术部颁发, Science and Engineering dean of gradate education.

如果您有兴趣申请我们的一个项目并获得斯莱特里奖学金,请 complete a program application.

Provost Fellowship


Students are nominated by departments based on their application review. Nominees must be US citizens or permanent residents. Specific criteria for determining diversity and selecting nominees will depend on each program, but may include ethnicity, race, gender, or disability.

If you are interested in applying to one of our programs and receiving the Provost Fellowship please complete a program application.

Provost Promise Fellowship

教务长承诺奖学金旨在表彰那些来自传统上代表性不足的高等教育背景的特别有价值的博士申请者, who are intellectually curious and fiercely persistent, possess attributes which may fall outside of more traditional admissions criteria, 他们可能会为我们希望在网赌论坛有哪些培养和维持的丰富的学习环境做出完美的贡献.

As such, these fellows possess immense promise网赌论坛有哪些生培训期间以及作为未来学院成员对奖学金和网赌论坛有哪些的贡献. In addition, admitting departments and programs promise to provide fellows individualized support, guidance, and training to maximize their individual and professional development.

Students are nominated by departments based on their application review. Nominees must be US citizens or permanent residents. Specific criteria for determining diversity and selecting nominees will depend on each program, but may include ethnicity, race, gender, or disabilities.

如果您有兴趣申请我们的一个项目并获得教务长承诺奖学金,请 complete a program application.

Robert Jyr Chen Fellowship

Dr. Theresa Chen ’74 completed her PhD in pharmacology from the School of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr. Robert jr Chen’73(博士)在网赌论坛有哪些工程学院完成了他的材料科学网赌论坛有哪些. Dr. Chen has established this legacy fund in memory of her husband. The goal of this fellowship is to benefit graduate students in engineering who have financial need. In particular, 该奖学金每年颁发一次,旨在帮助外国学生在网赌论坛有哪些攻读材料科学硕士或博士学位.

有兴趣申请陈奖学金的学生应填写网赌论坛有哪些graduate program online application for their program of interest. Nominations will be made by individual departments based on application review. 在国立台湾大学完成学位,并在网赌论坛有哪些攻读材料科学高级学位的学生将优先考虑.

Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull University Fellowship

The Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Fellowship is the most prestigious fellowship awarded by the University of Rochester.

Robert L. Sproull was a distinguished physicist and was the University’s seventh president. While in office, he oversaw significant growth of degree programs, faculty size, laboratories, hospital facilities, and other campus structures. The fellowship program named in his honor reflects his commitment to intellectual excellence.

Each year 10 to 12 incoming PhD students are awarded the Sproull Fellowship. 这些学生由教师委员会提名,最终由大学网赌论坛有哪些生院院长做出选择.

If you are interested in applying to one of our programs and receiving the Sproull Fellowship, please complete a program application.

Current Students

当前入学学生的内部奖学金由学术部门提名分配. If you are interested in being considered for one of the following fellowships, please speak with your department directly.

Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship

该奖学金每年颁发给在第五或第六年学习的优秀人文学科博士网赌论坛有哪些生. Faculty from the English, visual and cultural studies, and philosophy departments nominate students, and the Arts, Sciences & Engineering dean of graduate education awards the fellowships.

Donald M. and Janet Barnard Fellowship

The Donald M. and Janet C. 巴纳德奖学金是为网赌论坛有哪些工程或自然科学学科的博士生设立的. 该奖学金的目的是表彰我们的网赌论坛有哪些生在这些领域的杰出成就, as evidenced through their coursework and dissertation research work.

The fellowship provides a top-off to the student’s existing stipend, as well as a tuition award, and is for a one-year duration.

Nominations for this fellowship are solicited from programs in engineering and the natural sciences, including:

  • Biology
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Brain and cognitive sciences
  • Chemical engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • Earth and environmental sciences
  • Electrical and computer engineering
  • Materials science
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Optics
  • Physics

Each program is allowed to nominate one PhD student in their second or third year of graduate study.

All nominations are evaluated, and the awardees selected by the dean of graduate education. Evaluation is based on documented record of outstanding academic and research achievement as well as evidence of leadership; mentoring and teaching accomplishments; engagement with the field; and any outreach to the community.

Post-Field Research Dissertation Write-Up Fellowship

Many PhD candidates pursue field research in support of their dissertations. This extends their time-to-degree in some cases, beyond what the program normally covers for its PhD students. 为了在这种情况下支持我们的顶尖博士候选人,并为他们提供必要的支持,以完成他们的论文网赌论坛有哪些, the University of Rochester Arts, 网赌论坛有哪些生教育和博士后事务科学与工程办公室为我们最优秀的经济学和政治学博士候选人提供院长的博士后网赌论坛有哪些论文写作奖学金.

Students are nominated by their departments and the final decision is made by the AS&E dean of graduate education.

External Fellowships

罗彻斯特大学鼓励所有学生在考虑内部机会的同时寻求外部奖学金. External fellowships are distributed by organizations, governments, or other entities that are not associated with the University of Rochester.

The University of Rochester maintains a fellowship database to assist students in their search for scholarships and fellowships that they qualify for. In addition to the database maintained by our institution, 对于希望获得外部资助的新生和已录取的学生来说,还有其他一些资源可供选择.

Funding for humanities:

Funding for STEM:

Diversity, equity, and identity based funding:

International student funding: