
根据一项新生调查, fewer than five percent of our students plan on joining a fraternity or sorority. 然而, 罗彻斯特大学大约14%的学生最终加入了兄弟会或姐妹会.

一旦学生来到校园, 他们能够见到现在的兄弟会和姐妹会成员,并了解这些组织如何提供以下机会:

  • 友谊
  • 专业和个人发展
  • 在校园和社区的领导能力

Our fraternal community is highly regarded by students, faculty, alumni, and administrators. It has even won national recognition from higher education associations.

父母和家庭在支持兄弟会和姐妹会成员的发展方面起着关键作用. 为了帮助您了解最新信息,我们创建了一个 兄弟会及姐妹会资料(pdf). You can also find useful resource about our community on the 家长及家庭关系网站.


Meliora集体 provides space for families, alumni, and students to connect with one another. 加入“兄弟会和姐妹会”小组,与其他对姐妹会和兄弟会生活感兴趣的父母和家庭保持联系.


该大学及其兄弟会和姐妹会制定了结构化的招聘流程. 这有助于学生了解兄弟会和姐妹会的生活,并在合适的时间加入合适的组织.

学生 are eligible to join a fraternity or sorority during their second semester at Rochester. 如果转学生在其他机构至少修过一个完整学期的学分(AP学分不计算在内),则可以加入。.

学生 need time to establish themselves on campus by developing interests in classes, 参加俱乐部和组织, 参与社区活动, and holding leadership roles before joining a fraternity or sorority. 对他们来说,观察兄弟会和姐妹会社区以及它给校园带来的价值也很重要.

学生 have an entire semester to meet fraternity and sorority members in classes; attend social, 教育, 文化, and philanthropic events; and develop a true sense of the value and responsibility of fraternity or sorority membership. By the time they are eligible to join an organization, students should know a good deal about the organization they wish to join and, 更重要的是, about the men and women they hope to call brothers and sisters.

Every fraternity and sorority is part of one of three governing councils. 的se councils set recruitment guidelines for their member organizations. 我们鼓励您的学生尽可能多地了解组织,以寻找最适合的.


会员组织:Alpha Phi, 气ω, 三角洲γ, 是, Kappaδ, σ δ τ

网赌论坛有哪些市的三个委员会中,泛希腊协会(Panhellenic Association)的招聘做法最为结构化. Women interested in joining one of these organizations will go through formal recruitment, during which they visit and learn about all six organizations. Each prospective member is paired with a recruitment counselor, 在泛希腊社区中保持公正的女性,帮助指导潜在的新成员通过招募过程.

参观完每个机构后, prospective members can be invited back to learn more about certain sororities. 通过这个过程, potential new members narrow down the chapters they feel the most comfortable in. 最终, the women will indicate their preferences of which sororities they are interested in joining, 姐妹会同样会选择他们最感兴趣的女性来邀请她们加入.

的 women and sororities are matched based on mutual interest in one another. 虽然这种相互选择的过程是所有理事会中最正式的招聘制度, 它为女性提供了最好的机会来了解每个组织,并找到最适合自己的.

学生不需要提前返回校园参加泛希腊协会的招聘. Instead, they can sign up when they return to campus in January.


会员组织:Alpha Delta Phi, 是, 气φ, δ Kappa, 三角洲Upsilon, Psi Upsilon, σ气, σν, σφε, θ气

国际金融公司的分会在为期两周的时间里举办有组织的非正式和正式招聘活动,在此期间学生可以与组织成员进行一对一的交谈, 参与社会和服务活动, and learn about the values and history of the individual fraternities.

学生 can choose to attend events at whichever fraternities they are interested in, 这些兄弟会将向他们希望成为兄弟的个人提供会员资格. 同时鼓励学生在正式招生前与兄弟会成员见面和互动, 这一次给了学生一个额外的机会,使与几个兄弟会的联系,并获得更多的信息,关于该章和它的价值观.

Multi文化 Greek Council (MGC) 招聘

成员组织:Alpha Kappa Alpha, α α, Sigma 的ta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Upsilon, Upsilon, Sigma Psi Zeta

招聘 for the MGC does not always occur during a scheduled period. 而, organizations hold information sessions for prospective members to learn more about the chapter. 的y also ask individuals to participate in the social, 文化, 教育项目以及兄弟会和姐妹会的社区服务活动. 通过这些遭遇, 学生可以决定他们是否与组织成员分享兴趣和价值观.

At a time when both the student and members are ready, the student can be offered an invitation for membership.


父母和家庭在帮助学生决定是否加入兄弟会或姐妹会以及在招募和成为会员的过程中支持学生方面发挥着重要作用. Here are some ways you can help your student make more informed, values-based decisions about joining the fraternity and sorority community.


Fraternity or sorority life comes with its own unique culture and terminology. Here are some words you are likely to hear during recruitment:

  • Big是“big sister”或“big brother”的缩写,这个词指的是兄弟会或姐妹会的活跃成员,他是新成员的导师.
  • : A local group of the larger national organization. 这指的是网赌论坛有哪些的一群男人或女人,他们是某个兄弟会或姐妹会的一部分.
  • 信息在这个会议上,个人可以更多地了解一个组织,看看他们的价值观和目标是否与组织一致.
  • 邀请入会/投标: A formal offer to join a fraternity or sorority.
  • 新会员计划: 的 period of learning about fraternity and sorority life prior to initiation. In addition to learning the history of the organization, new members may attend presentations on topics such as study skills, 药物滥用意识, 被欺侮的预防, 还有其他重要的问题.
  • 潜在的新成员学生们通过招募和寻求成为兄弟会或姐妹会成员的一个通用术语. 这通常缩写为PNM.
  • 偏好晚上泛希腊联谊会招募活动的最后一晚,妇女们参加她们的最后一次招募活动,并表达她们最感兴趣加入的姐妹会.
  • 招聘顾问:一个女人在泛希腊协会谁暂时脱离她的姐妹会,以提供公正的指导,有兴趣的学生在泛希腊协会招聘.
  • 招聘(冲)投标前的一段时间,在此期间,组织举办有组织的活动,向未加入组织的学生介绍该组织及其成员和价值观.

Read about the resources provided for our organizations, including the 常见问题解答 成为会员,及 每个组织的描述. 您也可以查看 状态 我们的组织,看看哪些获得了奖项/认可,并通过我们的标准程序认证.

If your student is interested in a particular organization, 去那个组织的分会网站 了解它的历史、活动和目标.

Ask about their Interest in a Fraternity or Sorority

我们的目标是让学生加入兄弟会或姐妹会,这将丰富他们在网赌论坛有哪些的经历,并为他们提供长期的会员福利. We recognize that you have helped them develop their interests, 目标, 和价值观, 因此,您可以在选择符合其身份的组织时提供关键建议.

Here are some questions you can ask to help your student explore this decision:

  • What are you hoping to gain from membership in this organization?
  • How does the fraternity or sorority support your own values and beliefs?
  • How will the organization help you pursue your own 教育 目标?
  • What time commitment will membership require, and will it fit into your schedule?
  • In what ways does the organization support campus involvement and community service?
  • What leadership opportunities will the organization provide, both locally and nationally?
  • Is the organization in good standing with the University? 和其他兄弟会和姐妹会?
  • How will becoming a member make your Rochester experience more enjoyable?

If your student does join the fraternity and sorority community, it’s important to stay involved. Ask regularly how the fraternity or sorority is doing, read the organization’s magazines and newsletters, and attend family events during Meliora Weekend.

的 more you know about the organization, the better you can continue helping your student.


Fraternity and sorority recruitment is an exciting time for many of our students. 我们希望你能继续帮助学生做出明智的个人决定,丰富他们在网赌论坛有哪些的时间.

联络我们的办事处 有关我们章节的更多信息, 招聘流程, or the fraternity and sorority community in general. 我们期待收到您的来信!